‘Guru fitness’ usa Photoshop para responder a comentários negativos sobre seu corpo

Cansada de receber comentários maldosos sobre a sua forma física, Cassey Ho – instrutora de pilates responsável pelo canal Blogilates, no YouTube – decidiu mandar um recado para os trolls. Em seu mais recente vídeo, ‘The Perfect Body’, Casey usa o Photoshop para deixar seu corpo exatamente como os ‘bullies’ gostariam – com a cintura mais fina, seios e bunda maiores e até a cor dos olhos diferente. Segundo Cassey, a ideia é mostrar que o bullying pela internet machuca, afeta as pessoas na vida real. “Eu espero que as pessoas façam exatamente o oposto depois de assistirem a esse vídeo – iluminem a todos ao seu redor com positivismo”. Detalhe – Cassey divulgou o vídeo através de uma foto sua no Instagram, também manipulada com o Photoshop. Para sua surpresa, muita gente acreditou que a foto era legítima e considerou perfeito seu corpo irreal, enquanto outros ainda achavam que nao era bom o suficiente (!), veja abaixo. Via People.

Wow guys. The response on yesterday’s post was moving, incredible, and shocking all at once. Thank you. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I’m happy that many of you clicked over to watch my short film when you saw my new “perfect” body. You experienced the most powerful video I have ever created. You saw me strip down my confidence and self esteem. You saw me raw. Hurt. And vulnerable. For those who haven’t seen it yet, please click on the link in my bio. I wanted to post again because there was a weird phenomenon that happened when I posted this photoshopped picture. On the very same photo, I got some people praising me and others degrading me. What worries me is this: 1. That some people think this is real and that it should be “goals.” 2. That some people still think it’s not good enough. It’s tough knowing what’s real and what’s not when magazine covers and music videos are photoshopped (yes, music videos), Instagram pics are photoshopped, and so many women are getting surgery. How are we to know what kind of beauty can be naturally achieved when everything around us is so deceiving? If you want to know what you can do to help stop body shaming, all I ask is that you share the video with at least 1 person. That’s all. After countless days of shooting, weeks of editing, visual effects, and lots of hard work from a team of amazing people, my short film was turned into a reality. Thank you to James Chen, James Jou, and @smashboxcosmetics for helping me bring this to life. #madeatsmashbox I hope you guys liked it. I love you. Stay beautiful.

A photo posted by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on

